Welcome to the Angels and Archangels Week

From October 30th to November 6th 2022 the world of angels will be again coming to us during the annual Angels’ and Archangels’ Week. For one week we are going to get closer to our enlightening helpers, in various angel meditations as in our daily life. The only thing to do is to open our hearts towards their playful and pure reality full of light, love and compassion.

But also we ourselves can be like angels on earth, giving our fellow men a smile, attention and the love we all deserve, bringing back warmth in our hearts and enlivening true qualities of humankind: Love, Care, Compassion, Charity, Forgiveness.

Help the angels to be able to bring more light and love to our planet again.

Have a lot of pleasure and enlightening insights on this website. In the World of Angels to the right side (or at the end if you are on a smartphone) you can find the descriptions of various Angelgroups and Archangels. The subjects of the daily meditations you find at the Meditation program. A list of our international yoga centers you can find at Our Yoga Centers.

We are happy to announce that in case you cannot join at a local center you will have the possibility to join online in the ATMAN Online Yoga Academy:

Light and Love from all our International Yoga Centers

And a very special thank you to Ambika Wauters, who permitted us to use the pictures of her angels oracle.