Angels of Creativity

Force-idea:“Creative energy flows for me the more I choose to express my feelings”

Symbolism: This angels, carrying a tambourine and clad in finely crafted robes, helps us to channel our life force into creative acts which bring music, colour and form into our existence. They bless us to be abundantly creative in everything we do.

Angelic Function: To guide your creativity to flourish.

Gifts for human beings: They can help you to be creative with your life; express yourself well in everything you do; acknowledge your creative gifts which come from the Source

This Guardian Angels watch over our creative gifts and helps us develop our self-expression. They are constantly presenting us with opportunities to expand our personal horizons. It encourages us to make the world a more beautiful and joyful place. These are the angels who stimulate our senses to see beautiful colours, devise fine designs, hear lovely music and read an abundant variety of good books.

Creativity takes endless forms and these angels inspires us to express our joy of living in a loving and caring universe. Our creativity may find its form in the way we dress, the food we cook, the way we decorate our homes or plant our gardens. It may be expressed as painting, dance, music or writing. With our angel’s help we can be creative all the time. This angels offer us inspiration to change and transform the very depths of our being into those forms best suited to expressing our particular talents and imagination. They bless all forms of our unique self-expression and wants us to share our light in whichever ways bring us pleasure and joy.

We can pray to The Guardian Angels of Creativity to guide us towards finding what is beautiful, whole, and genuine within ourselves and to allow expression to this awareness. We can ask for the grace to share our individuality with ease, and with the assurance that when we do express who we are we are confident that we are making a contribution to the well-being of everyone around us.

The more we are willing to express who we are the more we actually help make this planet a more beautiful and joyful place in which to be.